Chinese New Year

恭賀新禧 四季平安 恭喜發財 身體健康 合家平安 常常喜樂

Chinese new year was the second largest holiday in Malaysia, next to Christmas.   Chinese residents started planning as early as September for the January/February festivity.   Right after Christmas, stores would change their displays with Chinnese merchandises to attract customers.   Since a lot of Chinese came to work in Kuala Lumpur from the surrounding towns, it was customary for them to prepare for their home coming during Chinese new year so they could celebrate with their relatives and friends back home.   As in the past, Kuala Lumpur would become quite empty during the week long festivity but the celebrations filled every corner of the country.

恭喜恭喜 - 虎年進步 - 身体健康

The Year Of The Tiger - 2010, wishing you a happy and prosperous new year and a Tiger spirited year to come :-)

1Utama Shopping Mall

Times Square, Kuala Lumpur

The Ikano Shopping Mall

The Curve Shopping Mall

Bangsar Village

Lion Dance in 1Utama

Acrobatic Lion Dance performed by the Malaysia national champions performers in 1Utama Shopping Mall, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia on Saturday, Jan 17, 2009.

1Utama Shopping Mall, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia on Saturday, Jan 17, 2009.

Click the "Play" button to watch an acrobatic Lion Dance video performed by the Malaysia national champions performers.

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